We believe in a lean and trim organisation which can respond to the clients and deliver results promptly.
We have a competent, motivated, well qualified and dedicated team of advocates and para legal staff who believe in delivering services of the highest quality

As an Indian revenue service officer S.Murugappan,the founder of this office has a thorough experience of 20 years in customs assessment, classification, special valuation, drawback, refunds, auditing, bonded warehouse facilities and held important positions in customs investigation, central excise division administration and central excise anti evasion.
He has received numerous rewards and awards in recognition of the meritorious service rendered in the customs and central excise departments of the government of India.
He resigned from the government service in 1997 and from then onwards is functioning as a full time indirect tax consultant with Chennai as the base.
He contributes articles on indirect tax laws in Business Line and Taxindia online.com
Murugappan is also a faculty member in Indian Institute of Materials Management, Chennai Branch and Management Study Centre, Chennai and has given lectures, conducted seminars and workshops, including inhouse training for industries and in IIM, Bangalore on customs and excise laws, import and export regulations and value added tax.
Mobile Number: 98410 76663
Mail Id : murugappan@smurugappan.com


Mercy.J, B.Com, L.L.B (H), graduated from SRM Institute of Science and Technology. Holding 2 years of experience in practicing criminal law along with providing legal opinions. Ability to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis, flexible in working; She is an independent person with a creative mind and skills and is currently pursuing M.B.A. (F).

Rithika .A

Rithika.A, as a law graduate completed B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.) at Tamil Nadu Dr.Ambedkar Law University (School of excellence in law) has presented paper relating to crime prevention and also participated in various moot courts and she has experience in Legal Drafting and Legal research work. She is registered as advocate with the Tamil Nadu and Puducherry Bar Council. She is familiar with the intricate landscape of tax law with precision and integrity and a commitment to excellence and a passion for advocacy while upholding the highest standards of professionalism.
